Rioters are easy to deal with when they’re alone since they move slowly You can parry his hit with a knife to reduce the damage taken from one of their rage which can be usefull when kiting and you know you can’t kill it before it’s reach you. Fleshpound rage last for as long they haven’t deal enough damages to the players. If the sharpshooter or swat have grenades they should be given a chance to freeze or stun the fleshpound or scrake before engaging them.

Fleshpound and scrakes are best to be dealt with as a team (they’re also easier to stun and stumble then both scrakes and flehspound) Their weapons also have a different shapes. quarterpound are much smaller then Fleshpound, less health and less damage output , scrake also perma rage once they’ve been dealt enough damage often making them more dangerous then fleshpound in this states scrakes are only a moderate a threat when left alone, they walk slowly and only attack nearby players The lights that the fleshpound has on it’s chest is also a weakpoint Robots weak point is in it’s chest, its explode with an EMP effect when it’s battery is hit zeds under the Rioter buff have glowing eye’s effect Unless your weapon deal enough damage to break his armor quickly rioter head is the most protected part of his body, better to shoot him in the back or legs most enemies has their head has a weak point yet some of them are differents practice to switch between your weapons, moving the last weapon used key to a more easy to access key can also help.asking for help should mostly be used to signal Fleshpound, quarterpounds and Scrakes once they’ve close enough to be a threat. even if you don’t have a microphone there is a voice command wheels that allow you to communicate with your team.Sometime it’s okay to have certain things like two supports or two berzerkers but too much of the same perk can lead to an unbalanced team. Avoid having too many players with the same perk.Make sure you have enough dosh to fill your weapons ammunition pool before buying a tier 4 gun … because guns without ammo are useless.Don’t buy armor until you have at least a decent tier 3 or 4 weapon. Weapons and ammo first and then armor.(it’s a big cash drain compared to how much it’s boost most weapon damage). I recommend to get all the weapons you need before deciding if you want to upgrade something.HMtech 101 is an exception, because it’s cheap and only use 1 in weight, allow to heal allies and act as a better backup then a 9mm for most perk. Only pick off-perk weapons once you already have the on-perk weapons you need the most.